Empty promises or housing solutions: temporary expropriation of dwellings vs. EDMOs


  • Cristina Argelich Comelles


Access to housing, Housing policy, Temporary expropriation, EDMOs, Empty dwellings, Affordable housing, Help to Buy, Shared Ownership, Leasehold


The aim of this paper is to make a comparative analysis of state intervention in improving access to housing in Spain, England and Wales, because of their common difficulties regarding housing policy. To this end, we will make a comparative analysis of the regional system of temporary expropriation of hous- ing use and EDMOs provided in the Housing Act 2004 in England and Wales, which are less intrusive than comparable tools in Spain. After this analysis, we will examine the advantages and disadvantages of these instruments. Finally, we will consider the convenience of incorporating EDMOs in Spain as a legal trans- plant, and we review the alternative measures that both legal systems provide.



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How to Cite

Empty promises or housing solutions: temporary expropriation of dwellings vs. EDMOs. (2018). Critical Review of Real Estate Law, 765, 13 a 62. https://rcdi.tirant.com/index.php/rcdi/article/view/1186