The single-member company, societas unius personae or “quasi societas”?


  • Henar Murillo Villar


Ingle-member company, societas unius personae, quasi societas, quasi, catachresis


Legal recognition of the single-member company is these days an unquestionable reality, although another thing is whether its denomination is the most appropriate, as the phrase “single-member company” encloses a terminological digression. In any event, its Latin version: societas unius personae could not have fitted in the Roman legal order as it would have lacked a precise legal-technical meaning. Therefore, the objective of the present study consists in establishing a proposal for its denomination, regardless of its doctrinal acceptation and actual use, for the disputed question of the unipersonality of the firm, from the Roman jurisprudential viewpoint.


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How to Cite

The single-member company, societas unius personae or “quasi societas”?. (2021). Critical Review of Real Estate Law, 788, 3553 a 3558.