Assignment of debts in the loan agreement concluded with consumers in the Judgment of the European Court dated 7 August 2018
Assignment of debts and consumersAbstract
The Judgment of the European Court dated 7 August 2018 estab- lishes that the Directive 93/13 must be interpreted, first, as not applying to a busi- ness practice consisting in assigning or purchasing a consumer’s debt, without any provision for such an assignment having been made in the loan agreement concluded with the consumer, without giving the consumer prior notice of that assignment, without his consent and without giving him the opportunity to buy back and thereby extinguish his debt by reimbursing to the assignee the price it paid in respect of that assignment, plus the applicable interest, expenses and costs. Secondly, that directive does not apply to national provisions, such as those contained in Article 1535 of the Civil Code and Articles 17 and 540 of the Civil Procedure Code, which regulate that opportunity to buy back a debt and govern the replacement of the assignor by the assignee in ongoing proceedings.