Propietarios en proindiviso en el sistema de compensación: su adhesión a la junta de compensación y su posterior tratamiento

Joint owners in the compensation system: their adhesion to the compensation board and their subsequent treatment


  • Vicente Laso Baeza Laso & Asociados Despacho Jurídico y Urbanístico


adhesion, Compensation Board, joint ownership


The treatment of the accession to the Compensation Boards of the owners of plots of land in joint ownership has been analysed in two recent resolutions of the Directorate General for Legal Security and Public Faith of 28 July 2023, recognising, in accordance with the principle of freedom that informs the participation of the owners of land in areas subject to urban transformation actions when the compensation system is applicable, that it is the decision of each of the owners whether or not to join with their respective share, and therefore their unanimous or majority agreement is not required, except when, in the latter case, it is imposed by regional legislation.


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How to Cite

Propietarios en proindiviso en el sistema de compensación: su adhesión a la junta de compensación y su posterior tratamiento: Joint owners in the compensation system: their adhesion to the compensation board and their subsequent treatment. (2024). Critical Review of Real Estate Law, 800, 3623 a 3635.