Procedure and mediation agreement. The formalization of enforceable title




Mediation procedure, Agreement of mediation, Final act, Executive title, Public deed, Judicial approval


Delineated the features of the mediation procedure is required for differentiation between the final act and the agreement of mediation; so while the first determines the end of the procedure, reflecting whether any agreement had been reached in a clear way and all understandable; the mediation agreement is primarily identified with specific aspects of solution to those who have reached the parties to conflicts that affect them. In this regard, it is important to distinguish also who are subjects that must intervene in every moment.

Therefore, the fundamental purpose of this work is to draw a clear scheme of the mediation procedure, relevant to the importance of the parties as protagonists of the agreement; determine the requirements of validity and the contení thereof; explain what are its effects, and to what extent is affected by the action of nullity of contracts, to finally study its formalization as enforcement.



How to Cite

Procedure and mediation agreement. The formalization of enforceable title. (2016). Critical Review of Real Estate Law, 756, 1885 a 1916.