Copyright Law and Smart Technology


  • Miguel L. Profesor titular Derecho civil Universidad de Zaragoza


Intellectual property, Copyright, Technology, Artificial intelligence, Metaverse, Tokens


One of the areas in which the relationship between Law and technology is most evident is that of Intellectual Property and Copyright Law. Therefore, each technological advance causes the need to adapt the rules of this special property to the new means of reproduction and diffusion of artistic and intellectual works. Copyright Law has already been adapted to the novelties brought in the last century by the personal computer and the Internet, but it is currently facing the challenge of a new technology with enormous impact: Artificial Intelligence. This work exposes the importance of this new technology in three areas: that of the authorship of intellectual and artistic works, that of Cyberspace or Metaverse, and that of the creation of supports for works in cryptographic files or tokens.


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How to Cite

Copyright Law and Smart Technology. (2024). Critical Review of Real Estate Law, 800, 3103 a 3146.