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Submission of papers

Authors who wish to submit a paper for publication must necessarily do so through the necessarily do so through the Journal's web page ( They must be original papers that have not appeared in whole or in part in any other journal or publication. in whole or in part in any other journal or publication. The Code of Best Practices of this Journal imposes a special attention to guarantee the originality of the papers originality of the published works and to avoid any form of plagiarism.

To do so, they must have an account that identifies them with their username and password.

The web page will generate an automatic receipt that certifies that the submission has been verified correctly and the date on which the submission took place.

All communications between the author and the journal will be verified electronically. electronically. The evaluation procedure will have a duration of no more than three months duration of no more than three months, counted from the time the author has submitted his or her the paper through the Journal's web page.

The submission of papers is free for authors.

Control of compliance with publication standards

Once a paper has been submitted, the Secretariat of the Journal will verify that the rules of publication will check that the publication rules that appear on the web site have been complied with. on the web site.

If the paper conforms to these standards, it will be confirmed to the author electronically and will be passed on to the evaluation phase and forwarded to the evaluators.

If, on the other hand, formal errors are detected in the submitted work, the Secretariat of the Journal will reject the publication and will notify the author electronically. Once these deficiencies have been corrected, the author may resubmit the paper for publication, initiating a new evaluation procedure.

General principles of the job evaluation system

The evaluation system, as established in the Journal's editorial ethics guidelines, is based on the double-blind peer review procedure.

Each paper will be reviewed by two reviewers who will not be able to know the author's data, nor the author's identity.

The evaluation of each paper will be carried out within one month after the reviewer receives the text to be evaluated.

The evaluators will issue their report according to the rules established by the journal.

Evaluation criteria

The aspects to be evaluated in each work are the following:

  1. Connection of the work with the contents of the Journal: it will be valued that the work does not refer to topics totally unrelated to the typical contents of the journal (study of Civil, Commercial and Real Estate Law, with special attention to all matters related to the Property, Commercial and Movable Property Registry).
  2. Relevance and timeliness of the subject matter: the relevance of the subject matter of the work to be published in the national and international legal panorama will be assessed.
  3. Originality of the work: following the guidelines included in the Code of Good Practices that defines the editorial ethics of the Journal, it will be required that the text analyzed is an original publication that has not been published in whole or in part previously and that it does not contain plagiarism. For this purpose, some of the computer programs designed to detect such inappropriate practices will be used.
  4. Citations and documentation: the bibliography handled by the author will be taken into consideration, as well as the citation of judgments and judicial and administrative resolutions relevant to the analysis of the subject matter of the work.
  5. Structure and methodology: the adequate structure of the work and the methodology followed by the author for the exposition of its content will be evaluated in the review.
  6. Clarity: the clarity with which the author has presented the contents of the work will be analyzed, taking into account the objectives of scientific dissemination and promotion of doctrinal debate that characterize the Journal.
  7. Conclusions and scientific contribution: the contribution of the work to the study of the subjects covered will be especially taken into account in the evaluation.

Final decision on publication

Once the reports of the two evaluators have been received, the Editorial Committee must decide on the definitive publication of the work.

This decision will be communicated to the author, stating the reasons, if any, for the decision not to publish.

Once the publication of a paper has been agreed upon, it will be published in the first issue of the Journal in which it is possible.

The contents of the online version of journal Revista Crítica de Derecho Inmobiliario are used and distributed under a licence Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-SA 4.0).